Thursday, August 13, 2009


Despite my throbbing hip at times, I'm so grateful that to Him for giving me periods of grace to get some work done. I finished my Red Hat and pinecone necklaces, and am pleased on how they turned out. With carving, I really enjoy the moment when you're in the moment. All time seems to stand still, and you become totally absorbed in the process of creating, absorbed in the transformation. It becomes a God moment, as most of the creative process is instinctive; I honestly don't know how I know what to do, other than by simply following His lead. I just decide, "what if I...?" and just jump in. What's the worst that can happen? Even mistakes are an opportunity to be creative.

I've always laughed at people who make comments about "those artistic types" referring to people like myself, and usually what they are insinuating is not exactly flattering. Artists are generally and wrongly judged as undependable, flighty, airheads. It's sad, because the God of this universe, is also an "artistic type" and I wouldn't call Him any of those things. I know my fellow artists that I know don't fit into any of those catagories, and are, in fact, the most intelligent, compassionate, focused, organized(the successful ones!) and unhypocritical people I have every met. And that brings me to persevering.

It is a challenge to persevere as an artist, when encouragement is rare in the beginning of our efforts. People don't generally encourage until they can see something worthwhile in your efforts. I just want to take the opportunity now to thank the dream builders of you out there, who take the time to lift up fledgling creatives like myself, who are taking that leap of faith and transitioning from dream to an actual reality. Like Lauren, Jeri, Deb, Sasha, who helped me on this journey, I hope to encourage other "fledglings" one day myself, to keep on, don't give up being who He created you to be. I didn't get to this point by myself, and I know few who do.

I want to thank Rita, who has this invaluable site for people starting in the jewelry business: and who also has a great site showcasing home jewelry businesses: who has created unbelievable free resources for the jewelry artist. Check her out!

Lauren Floden, has been a dear friend and soul mate, the number one person God put in my life to help me make beauty from my ashes. She has served many with the true uncompromising love of Christ that radiants from her. She is an awesome artist and harpist. Her website is:

Deb Munson of Artists' Junction, a Christian artist network and newsletter, has tirelessly given and given to her fellow broken artists. Her heart is to truly build up the Christian artists and please support her vision, as she helps so many others. Her website is:

Sasha Zhitneva, a renowned glass sculptor, has helped mentor me greatly in learning fusing. She does ground breaking work, and is a source of constant inspiration. Please visit her website, you will be amazed! You will never see anything that comes even close to it; she awes me!

Lastly, Jeri Cooney. She is a sister in every sense, and has seen something in me, along with Lauren, that I didn't dare believe existed. I'm so grateful for her, and for the unconditional love of a true friend. Friends are a rare and precious gift, and truly are the winds in our sails. You can't persevere without them and God.

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